Weight series: A truthful weigh-in

So I have been struggling to lose weight since around 2013, it has generally been my fault that nothing has really changed since then, mainly down to my complete laziness…

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120 views 12:40 pm 0 Comments

Yesterdays activites

My Fitbit data from yesterday. Pretty good, I think. That is from a 12.5hr shift and I stayed under my total calories! Gym this morning but didn't do everything on…

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89 views 1:25 pm 0 Comments

My love of Fitbit

The above picture is why I love Fitbit. The one of the right I purchased on 28th Feb 2016 the one on the left is the replacement fitbit sent me…

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86 views 1:00 pm 0 Comments

My weight & fitbit

I have been 'trying' to lose weight since the beginning of 2013. I remember being excited when I had a free afternoon to go to the gym. I would only…

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82 views 5:18 am 0 Comments

The Fitbit Zip v The Surge

I thought I was going to be doing a post on the huge difference in the data between the Zip and the Surge but then I realised that the Zip…

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69 views 4:42 pm 0 Comments

The Fitbit Surge

So I bought the Fitbit Surge yesterday, so today will be my first full day 0f data. Right to set the Surge up isn't as easy as it is with…

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75 views 6:28 pm 0 Comments
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