Where am I going….

The 18th December will be two years since I joined the NMC register and got my pin. Two years since I qualified and I haven't learnt anything clinical in that…

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404 views 9:49 am 0 Comments

I’m really struggling right now

I haven't had the best of times these past few years since qualifying as a nurse December 2020. I was redeployed twice within the first month and subsequently moved on…

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417 views 2:27 pm 0 Comments

Life at 40

So I turned 40 last Sunday, this past year has been bluh and I am determined to make changes going forward. My life consists of working the night shift, being…

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398 views 3:28 pm 0 Comments

Life update – nursing

So what has been happening since the last update Job So I left uni with a job on a private unit with the local NHS hospital. This unit had been…

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372 views 3:46 pm 0 Comments

Nursing degree update

So it's been a while since I updated anything on here and been even longer since I wrote anything about my nurse training. I got so caught up in the…

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368 views 1:11 pm 0 Comments

Not a lot going on

So what I have I been up to...Wallowing, watching CSI, doing assignments and going down the youtube rabbit hole. It's been 18 ish days since I last posted and not…

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109 views 1:14 pm 0 Comments

Life goes on…

Nothing has really changed for me over the last few weeks, I continue to go to placement, work, and try to shop. The only difference is no NASCAR, slot car…

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119 views 5:05 pm 0 Comments

As it currently stands…

As it currently stands I am still on placement in Neuro Theaters and loving it. I can cancel the placement if I want to but the uni doesn't know yet…

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144 views 11:04 am 0 Comments

Getting that job

I have officially registered onto my final year of nursing, this means I'm a soon to qualify nurse! I can now start applying for roles. Some people may say it's…

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125 views 8:35 am 0 Comments
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