55 weeks to fabulous – week 2

Aim is to look and feel fabulous by New Years 2016.

Well this past week I am been too lazy to do much at all. Gym closed Thursday & Friday so no much going on on the fitness front 🙁

Week two at the gym:

Monday – day off, gym session
Tuesday – day off
Wednesday – 12.5hr night shift, no gym
Thursday – 12.5hr night shift, gym closed
Friday – gym closed, drink a bit too much, ate okay
Saturday – day off, only day me & Keith off together during Christmas as a pub trip to Arundel was had
Sunday – 12.5 hr



Yep you are seeing that right, a 1,5 mile time of 15:01!!! The previous week it was 16:08 ish, only 1:01 min to cut 🙂 it was hard though, I wanted to die by the end of it.

Powerbag clean & press – 10kg 3×8
Chest press – 10kg 3×15
Seated row – 10kg 3x15Lat pull down – 27.5kg 3×15
Leg press – 50kg 3×15


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