Whats going on & what happened


27-03 July

Monday treadmill run | gym session | Bodybalance class CANCELLED | treadmill run | 12.5 hr night shift CHECK
Tuesday treadmill run | gym session | Bodybalance class CANCELLED | circuit training CANCELLED | treadmill run
Wednesday 12.5hr day shift CANCELLED
Thursday 12.5hr day shift CHECK
Friday 12.5hr day shift CHECK
Saturday am tennis lesson WOKE UP TOO LATE
Sunday rest day CHECK

Little time in the gym this past week. I’ve realised that I need a full day off after a night shift so I cancelled my Wednesday shift. I also was too lazy to step foot in the gym 🙁 I did do my home workout though:

Deadlift 6×16.5kg | 6×16.5kg | 6×16.5kg
Barbell curl 6×16.5kg | 6×16.5kg | 6×16.5kg
Bodyweight squat 3×10

Also did my Nerd Fitness workout:

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