Workout day 1

I am now a member of 2 gyms. An amazing new one that has everything & more but is a bus journey awaiting and a local one 5 mins away but can’t go heavy.

I went to the better one today.

Today was deadlift day!

Dead Lift Warm up
5 x 30.0 kg
5 x 30.0 kg
3 x 35.0 kg

Dead Lift Main
5 x 35.0 kg
5 x 45.0 kg
5 x 50.0 kg

Dead Lift Boring but BIG sets
10 x 30.0 kg
10 x 30.0 kg
10 x 30.0 kg
10 x 30.0 kg
10 x 30.0 kg

Deficit deadlift
10 x 30.0 kg
7 x 30.0 kg
5 x 30.0 kg
5 x 30.0 kg
5 x 30.0 kg

Dumbbell row
10 x 6.0 kg
10 x 6.0 kg
10 x 0.0 kg

Sumo deadlift
8 x 30.0 kg
5 x 30.0 kg
8 x 30.0 kg

T-bar row
10 x 5.0 kg
10 x 5.0 kg
10 x 5.0 kg

What is your weekend workout

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