Weekly exercise – week 3

  • Monday

I actually went to work the morning after a night shift, the last time I planned to do this I ended up going to bed instead. This time I did:

Squat 2×8 20kg, 2×8 30kg
Bench Press 4×8 20kg
OHP 4×8 15kg (increase of 5kg)
Deadlife 2×8 30kg
Curl 4×8 10kg

  • Tuesday

Cardio for me today. I wanted to see have long it took me to run 1.5 miles. I ended up doing it in 15.12 min. My legs were so go by then that I could only manage 5km on the bike.

  • Thursday

Back to strength training

Squat 4×8 20kg
Bench press 4×8 20kg
OHP 4×8 15kg
Curl 3×8 15kg (increase of 5kg)

Weight as of today = 153lbs


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