So I don’t talk much about uni on here. I tend to forget about it till the last min 🙁
I go to the OU. This is a purely online uni except for a few modules for a few course – paramedic, nurse etc. I am currently do a BSc Health & Social Care degree, aiming to finishing 2016 and at present looking at a 2.2 classification. Not sure America has these classifications but we have 1st; 2.1; 2.2; 3rd; ordinary (without honors). A 2.2 isn’t seen as bad but its not great at getting graduate jobs or a lot of post-grad degrees.
I’m not looking at graduate jobs but looking at going into Nurse training.
What I’m looking at:
Southampton uni
–BN (Hons) Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) | B745 | 3 years
–3010 Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing – Adult (pre-registration)
Surrey uni
–Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)
–Nursing Studies (Adult Nursing) PGDip
–Nursing (Adult) BSc(Hons)
Open uni
–BSc (Honours) Adult Nursing
Now the PGDip courses would be ideal as they are shorter but my NHS trust doesn’t fund them so I’d have to do independent, meaning give up work. Brighton & the Open uni (though 4 years) are my best bets as I’d still be getting a salary.
I plan to start applying next September. I will be looking out for placement adverts on NHS jobs around July 2015 to see what my trust is looking for.