Making a better me

A new gym opened up near me recently so I decided to join. It's not my nearest gym but it is a near strength gym with little cardio equipment and…

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78 views 7:21 pm 0 Comments

Stronglift 5×5 week 2 – day 2

SQUAT Current 40kg | Previous 37.5kg | Increase 2.5kg BENCH PRESS Current 32.5kg | Previous 30kg | Increase 2.5kg BENT OVER ROW Current 22.5kg | Previous 20kg | Increase 2.5kg I…

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76 views 4:18 pm 0 Comments

Stronglift 5×5 week 2 – day 1

Today (Monday) was the start of week 2 on Stronglifts 5x5. SQUAT Current 37.5kg | Previous 35kg | Increase 2.5kg OVERHEAD PRESS Current 20kg | Previous 20kg | Increase 0kg…

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80 views 8:20 pm 0 Comments
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