Well not really, I still haven’t heard from the job I interviewed for last Thursday even though they said I wouldn’t heard before Monday. Well hello it’s now been a week! I also had a rather crap gym session this morning.
In better news though I got 87% for my K217 EMA but my crappy TMA’s meant my overall score was 64% meaning a grade 3 pass (2.2). I am however pleased with my self as I thought Id failed. Now it’s just the wait to see if I get my financial support agreed.
I also went to my trusts nurse training drop in session. It wasn’t as I expected. I though I’d just go in and talk to someone about my options, no, I turned up to a room full of people just sitting around waiting to get they questions answered. I was there 45 min in total and I only spoke to someone for like 5 min. It turned out good though. The lady was impressed that I was already studying with the OU & suggested I apply for September 2016 intake, meaning I wouldn’t finish my current degree with the OU. I can also count some on my current modules towards the degree so I’d only have one module in year 1 & 1 in year 2, it would still take me 4 years though . I could go to Brighton to do it in 3 years if I wont but I like the OU, if I don’t get a secondment I may just do that or go to Surrey to do the PGDip in 2 years.
My plan
Feb/Mar 2016 – apply for secondment, complete DipHE with OU if successful
Feb/Mar 2017 – apply for secondment if not successful the previous year, complete current degree with OU. If not successful go direct to either Surrey or Brighton
2020 or 2021 – qualify as a nurse
Todays workout
I’m not sure what happened I was happy on my way to the gym, looking forward to a run and a new exercise routine from Nike Training. By the time I got there I just wasn’t feeling it.
500 meter row
0.5 mile run
Kick downs 2×8
knee push up x 8
Elbow plank 30s
Burpees x 8
Side Lunge x 1 min (5kg dbs)
Plank 1min
Opposite arm/leg extension 1 min
Step back lungs 1 min (5kg dbs)
Squats 1min (5kg dbs)
Cobra 30s
I still can’t get over whatever it is that is stopping me from really throwing myself at workouts, yes I may look stupid but I will soon improve. I placed my mat behind the weight bag rack so I didn’t feel so exposed. I will just have to keep going at it.
Right off to see the Strangles tonight this should be interesting.