Body scan results

On Monday I went to my very first CrossFit class but first I had my body scan done. According to the scan, I am 89.4 kg (197 lb) with a…

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95 views 7:11 am 0 Comments

Getting back on it…

So I totally suck at this blogging thing. I have started to see where I want to be in the future and I'm looking forward to becoming a nurse in…

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82 views 2:34 pm 0 Comments

Weight update

So far I have lost 1.3 kg (2.8 lb) in 9 days!! I aim to update every Monday so expect another post in a few days :)

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76 views 12:16 pm 0 Comments

A new year…a new start

I am currently 82.6 kg. I Iost very little in 2017, in fact I lost and gained the same few kg throughout the year. This year, 2018, is the time…

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