Getting back on it…

So I totally suck at this blogging thing. I have started to see where I want to be in the future and I’m looking forward to becoming a nurse in 2021.

I have started my second year of nurse training and I am currently on my first placement at the local A&E department which I am loving. Since starting I appear to have been losing a bit of weight. I don’t feel as hungry during placement as I normally do working on other words, that will waling loads has definitely help.

Since the start of the new year I have tried different things fitness wise. I have joined the new local 24hr gym but location is bad for me so I basically stopped going and realised that I didn’t actually need a 24/7 gym at all. I have since re-joined a more local and nicer gym and I’m trying to go 3 times a week. I also looked again at online personal coaching but the first attempt didn’t work for me, I got bored etc. I then joined a local trainer for her online plans and enjoy it but I think I need more structure.

I have since discovered a new small group training centre around the corner from me for a reasonable price and loads of class times (others I’ve found are over 2-3 days and 2 times a day). I’m looking at joining next month along with the other gym at weekends. I truly hope this works out I need to improve my fitness and lose weight.

Talking about weight, I intend to log me weight weekly on here and below is my weekly weight log since the beginning of the year.

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