So I made it to the gym this morning. Like an idiot I forgot my fitbit so had to guestimate my activities to add to it. I walk to the gym & back each time I go so that’s 2.8 miles in total which is good.
I actually did my core exercises (except the crunches) and my strength training (except the assisted pull up) then did 10-15mins running & walking on the treadmill. I had a slight pain in my right shin so didn’t push it too much.
Tomorrow I’m aiming to go to a 7:30am pilates class for the first time. I don’t really know what to expect.
While I was out on the walk yesterday, there were school groups everywhere going to or from the panto. Now I hate kids at the best of times but show me a group of loud kids and I’d like to kill someone. Yesterday as we were rounding the corner from the theatre we were surrounded by a group and I just shouted “you’re fucking too loud” they were so loud I don’t think any of them heard me even the teachers as I got no reaction from them. Keith did start laughing though 🙂
You know the old saying “children should be seen and not heard”? well I say “children shouldn’t be seen or heard”. Sorry I can cope with my sisters kids even when they are nightmares and my friends kids, but OMG I hate kids out in public especially those with parents who can’t or won’t try to control them. I’d be embarrassed if my kid was screaming in a shop.
Now what I do love are PUGS! Next year we are going to be getting one as soon as we move and we can’t wait.

I ate well yesterday and kept it up today. I have a thing for sushi. You don’t get much for your money but I just love it.
Eaten: 1590 | Burned: 1950 | Deficit: -360