Goals for 2017


Complete my degree & start nurse training

I have 2 modules left to complete for my Health & Social Care degree, to come to an end in May. For my nurse training I am not asked for any particular grade so that really helps me some what. I am current on track for a 2:2 which I’ll be happy with but I could get a 3rd and still be accepted. I also need confirmation of my Math GCSE grade and a reference from the OU. I now have a verified statement of my grade which will tick that condition off 🙂

Get down to a size 14(UK) by September

I am STILL trying to lose weight, I want to get down to 120lbs ultimately , which is around 60lbs to lose but I would be happy with 140lb by the time I start nurse training.

I plan to obtain this goal by starting at the new gym in February as well as start running again.

Pay off Natwest overdraft by September

Currently my overdraft stands at £1000 and I have 8 months to reach this goal. That equates to £125 per month, some months will be more some months will be less. It all depends on my income for that month.

Pay off credit cards by December 31st

The total balance is £1500 with 12 months to payoff. That’s £125 per month. Not 100% sure I’ll achieve this goal.

Complete a 1/2 + full marathon

I have a 1/2 marathon planned for February 12 and a full marathon for April 29.


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