An honest post – weight


I can honestly say I weigh 181.8lbs! Looking back at pictures I wasn’t seeing much of a change and I KNEW I hadn’t really lost as much weight as my scale was saying. No way was I anywhere near 145lbs. It just shows carpets & wonky floor don’t help!

So I am starting again. I am taking my weekly weight from the scale in my living room but I am still keeping the one in the bedroom which will stay linked to my main myfitnesspal account. Call me crazy but this helps with the near 60lbs I have still to lose.

Weight – 181.8lb

Chest – 37cm ⇓ 1cm
Waist –37.5cm ⇓ 2.5cm
Stomach – 43.5cm ⇓ 1.5cm
Left arm – 14cm ⇓ 0.5cm
Right arm – 13cm ⇔no change
Hips – 44cm 2cm
Left thigh – 25cm ⇓ 2.5cm
Right thigh – 26cm ⇓ 1cm
Left wrist – 6.5cm ⇔no change
right wrist – 6.5cm ⇔no change
Neck – 13cm ⇓ 1cm
Calf – 18cm ⇔no change

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