
So today was my follow up health MOT at my gym, I haven’t done well. My weight since my first MOT has been up & down and today it was up! Overall my health mentor was pleased with my progress, I was not. Now each Monday I will be getting an email from him to give me encouragement, I think this will help, I feel that I’m too lazy when I try to go alone.
After my MOT I did a little exercise – 10 mins on the treadmill running at 4mph, 10 mins on the cross-trainer, squats, hip thrusts.
I need to really push myself, I need motivation (ok I have motivation but I’m just lazy), I need to do more group classes, I need to get up at the same time on my days off (7am) and get my but into gear.

I will also be looking at pinterest workout routines to do at home.


So I am reading through this lovely ladies blog and I am only at Feb 2011!! I can’t stop reading blogs from the beginning, I am so getting behind with uni coz of this lol

Tomorrow I am aiming to do a group class at the gym, then maybe some strength training. Though Keith is off tomorrow and is thinking of us going out for breakfast. Should I do a total abs or step class?

Oh I think I’m getting hooked on running. I don’t know why I just am, I’m still not with the whole running on the streets/park with loads of people around though.

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