So I went to my first ‘night’ at the army reserves on Wednesday. It wasn’t a training night (I could have stayed if I wanted to) it was more a meeting to sort out my development plan. I have a lot of work ahead of me – unit info, military revision etc. There is an RRMT (pre-selection assessment) event on 16th January but unfortunately I am working that day so I shall go to a later on, probably 10th April. It seems so far aware but IÂ know I wont be fitness ready for selection for months anyways.
Fitness requirements:
1.5 mile run = 14minStatic lift (power bag) = up to 40kg
Jerry can carry = 2 x 20kg cans, 150m, under 2 mins
There is also an ice breaker & a medical which I’m kind of shitting to be honest. I only just passed the eye test for the medical form and I can have issues with my ears. I don’t want to do all this training and get told at selection I fail and need to return in a few months or I am out full stop due to me eyes.
I have also join my local gym. I haven’t do any running or been to the gym in like 2 months. My previous gym was just to far to walk to and I wasn’t about to get the bus each time. This one is 30 min away and is part of the council group leisure centres I joined when I first moved to Worthing. This one has a weight room away from the main gym, it isn’t amazing but should work for me 🙂 Half squat racks rather than full power racks but I should still be able to do deadlifts, squats, rows etc.
My current weight is 146.2lbs !! Finally seeing it move after so long.