Life update – nursing

So what has been happening since the last update Job So I left uni with a job on a private unit with the local NHS hospital. This unit had been…

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374 views 3:46 pm 0 Comments

End of 2nd year

So I have officially finished 2nd year of my nursing degree. Two weeks ago I got my final set of grades. A pass on drugs exam (only pass/fail), Long Term…

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82 views 9:48 am 0 Comments

What is going on…

So how are my grades looking so far? Not good actually. The group presentation came back as 52 and all but one person in our group thought that was a…

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78 views 6:03 pm 0 Comments


This post was originally going to be about just the one unit and how I've finally done with the essay but I can now happily announce that I have completed…

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82 views 1:34 pm 0 Comments

Degree update

The mad rush of essays and exams have started. Engaging Service Improvement poster presentation: 16th October 2019Engaging Service Improvement essay: 21st October 2019Evidence Based Practice project plan: 4th November 2019Evidence…

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88 views 6:55 pm 0 Comments

Finished first year of uni

On 9th December 2018, I completed my first year of university and all I have left is an OSCE resit in January. I have 8 weeks off before I return…

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77 views 3:23 pm 0 Comments

Life: Uni update…

There hasn't been much movement of late in regards to university info. I have been waiting for the day I could set up my student account. Well the day finally…

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87 views 1:11 pm 0 Comments

University: The countdown begins

Timeline I have 5 months remaining before I become a full-time student again! This time will no doubt go fast, I'll probably be working mostly, trying to save as well…

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76 views 2:32 pm 0 Comments
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