On 16th March I went to my final interview for nursing training. I actually fell in love with the uni & course at Portsmouth.
They have just restarted their nursing degrees and the first intake was this past January. They have a new building with amazing facilities and placements local to me!!!! They give you your books and even a laptop that you keep. They take around 117 students per intake and have 2 intakes a year: Jan & Sept.
The day started with filling in forms then a short presentation which really made me want to go there (local placements). We then had our maths & lit tests both on a laptop 😉 which I found easy but prob made a stupid mistake or 2 but you only need 50% I think. After this was the tour, which I haven’t had at any other uni. Everything it high tech, modern and under 1 roof. They are 1 or only 2 uni’s to have a interactive ‘cadaver’, which is a complete scan or 2 real people who gave their bodies to science. I’ll miss not having actual organs though 😉
The interview was the last part. It was me and 2 interviewees. It seemed to go well, we laughed, they said ‘great’ loads of times & nodded, and I actually asked questions at the end. I felt relaxes but still nervous. I didn’t say much about the area but think I pulled it back with answers to other questions.
What do you know about Portsmouth?
Why Portsmouth?
Why Portsmouth uni?
What is a skill & a value?
What skills do you have?
What values do you have?
What difficulties could you face when you first start the course?
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Others I forgotten
We should know soon. They made their decisions on 17th March, which were sent to UCAS, but they are saying it could be a few weeks before we hear from UCAS 🙁 . I went to check online today but the system is in maintenance, hope that doesn’t delay us hearing the results. I’d be happen with either a September or February start date and I know that if I’m not successful I still have Southampton to fall back on.
On the topic of finance I just found a letter dated 24th Feb saying that they don’t recognise the course that I have applied for and I need to get the Uni to confirm it. Of course the site is down for maintenance also so I’ll check what I applied for tomorrow and if I need to then contact the uni. I’ll have to change it to Portsmouth if I get an offer anyways.