2015 races so far

30th August 2015:

2015-07-22 15.36.23

Yes so I have actually booked my first ever race! A 10k hilly as fuck race.

4th October 2015:

I thankfully can get there & back in a day 🙂

11th October 2015:

Warrior Run 14k – yes I am mad. One of the trainers at the gym put up a poster about it, free training etc. Not sure if we run at a team or not but it looks fun. I haven’t booked yet.

28th November 2015:

My first marathon AND on my birthday! It’s meant to be on of the flattest courses you can find. I hope so.

My food for 23/7/2015. Beers & pub meal happened in the evening, after work.



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