So, I am on my fitness journey once again. I must have done this multiple times before and failed. This time I have a plan and I am to stick to it.
I have been debating which gym I was going to join. I liked my previous PT gym but the price was just too much for only a few sessions a week, I liked my crossfit gym but didn’t like having to schedule my gym time, I liked a local 24hr gym but it got too crowed as it was quiet small and I loved my not so local 24hr gym but it was not so local.
That brings me to 2022. I had recently re-joined Tone & Sculpt to give me a structure to my workouts, I just needed somewhere to do it. Instagram to the rescue. I stumbled across a new PT gym opening near me and got chatting to the owner/PT. This sounded like a great option for me. Yes it was still scheduling my workouts & it wouldn’t solve the Tine & Sculpt problem but it was much cheaper than the previous PT gym and I could go as many times as I wanted each week. I also re-joined a gym I hadn’t been to for years, at only £12 a month I couldn’t say no and the PT gym would work out much cheaper than taken individual PT sessions.
I have since been to the gym once & once the PT gym opens at the end of Feb I aim to workout 5-6 days a week.
Am I mad? Will I just quit again?