I don’t confess to being any good at blogging, in fact I’d say I’m terrible at blogging. Below are my reasons why I’m not your typical blogger
- I’m extremely lazy
Both in writing content and commenting on blogs, joining blogger chats etc - I don’t much care for flat-lays
I find them boring actually, not always, but I do think they are over done in the blog world - I won’t be seen standing on chairs etc to take photos of food in public or even my own home
I find it quite embarrassing, I can’t imagine being out and seeing others do this - I don’t have the kind of social life that makes a blog interesting
In fact I don’t really have much of a life. If I’m not at uni, placement, work or micro pub, I can be found sitting on the same sofa as always, watching TV or on the web - I rarely use pinterest
I’ve tried using it, I have a few boards but it doesn’t really grab me - All I do on twitter is post links to my blog
Enough said - I don’t know how to edit images
I don’t think I have the patience to ever learn, I don’t see the need for it on instagram, I like things looking natural - I rarely think of any good content
Well I do but it’s mainly when I’m trying to sleep, not when I’m actually trying to write a post - I’m not connected to brands and wouldn’t know where to start
This is mainly because I haven’t really build a following for this blog that drives brands to me - I don’t have real direct for this blog
I have 3 main areas I blog about on here and it is a bit of a mishmash really
I realise that if I want to build this blog, I need to stop being lazy, I need to work on post content, images and engaging with others.