Year 1 marks

As you can see my marks are average. PCP was a load of crap 🙁 The units that are PASS are only pass or fail. Annoying as the pass exam I got 100% and only needed 80% to pass. I am a solid 2:2 student so far. I’d like 2:1 but I don’t really have the motivation for it and don’t necessarily need a classification to go on to further study for nursing, some do ask for 2:1/2:2 some just ask you to be a register nurse.
Year 2 marks
So far I have only gotten one mark back 49%, I have another due back next week. The first half of this academic year has been mostly placements and lessons. The exams, coursework and OSCE are all in October/November.
I did, however, have a practice drug calculation test and got 100% only need 90% I think this year. What I am really stressing over is the OSCE, last year I failed the first attempt. This year it sounds better as we have 5 stations at 12 mins each and need to only gain 20 out of 40 marks with nothing compulsory like last year.

I am currently on my third placement, a short 3 weeks on a surgical ward (digestive diseases). I don’t know why but I get nervous every second I’m on the ward, mainly thinking that I need to know everything which I don’t. Three weeks should fly by though.