The mad rush of essays and exams have started.
Engaging Service Improvement poster presentation: 16th October 2019
Engaging Service Improvement essay: 21st October 2019
Evidence Based Practice project plan: 4th November 2019
Evidence Based Practice lit review: 4th November 2019
Evidence Based Practice exam: 7th November 2019
Long Term Conditions exam: 14th November 2019
Drugs exam: 14th November 2019
I am not even thinking about exams till, after 21st October, I honestly feel I will be ok with them, it is my assignment due in on 21st that is currently killing me! At first I thought the assignment was easy but now I’m struggling to understand it. I have finally gotten an appointment with learning support as I struggle with evaluate/analyse etc , Been trying to see them for ages but nothing, have to email them direct, then they compain about the time before the deadline. Doesn’t seem right as some in my cohort appear to get appointments whenever they want and see them for EVERYTHING!!
I’ve had two essay results back so far both pretty poor marks 49 + 55. I need to really improve with the rest of the year. If I can get a decent poster/presentation mark then I should pass the module as I feel my assignment mark will be a fail.
Trying to find out if 2nd year is worth 50% or only 30%. I do hope it’s 30%