On July 15th I ending my time on the Emergency Floor to start a new job within theatres (eyes!!). I had been with the Emergency Floor for nearly 4 years and I needed a change, I needed something that would work with my uni. The eye hospital was just that (or so I hope).
I actually had the interview back in March 2018 and was waiting for my references for two whole months. During this time it had already been agreed that I would start the week of 16th July. I picked this date because (1) I needed to give 4 weeks notice and (2) it was just after I had completed my 2 short Monday-Friday uni placements.
Eventually at the start of June I got the all clear to start, my manager contacted HR to give then a start date and I received my training schedule and contracts (perm + bank). Then that was all I heard, I wasn’t hearing anything from my manager and was starting to think I was just going to have to go with my bank position and forget the perm job. I set up manual handling training and awaited a date for a supernumerary shift before I could go out on my own. Around the same time I decided to give the perm job another chance and I fired off an email to the manager. I actually got a reply asking me to call as they had assumed that I was started the week of the 16th (so did I). At this point is already was that week, but as I’d never had any word from them that my shifts were definitely going to be only Thursday + Friday due to uni I assumed they were still working on it.
So my shifts are Thursday – Friday 8am to 6pm with on call every Thursday night and every 1 in 4 weekends. I’m still not quiet sure how I will manage on call as I don’t live local and getting there within the hours could prove to be difficult but we will see what happens.
Going back to the bank contract, as soon as it was fully confirmed I was starting my perm job I contacted the bank office. I no longer need to do the supernumerary shift but can only work in my own department for the first 3 months then I can work anywhere as long as my manager is happen.
I’m starting to think my time with this trust could be short, I may have to give up my perm role if my uni placements get funny or I get another Mon-Fri placement next year. Also bank are not online like my last trust, you get an email at the start of the month with available shifts and then you have to ring them, this I don’t like. Bank pay is also monthly in arrears for the first time then you can ask to get paid weekly. Therefore anything I do this month won’t get paid till end of September!
I will take this role as far as I can as I am currently really liking it but maybe in the future I’ll have to change again.